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We maintain an organized structure to insure technical excellence and responsive service. We are certified to link directly with Customs and Border Protection via the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) system. In addition, our software provider keeps us up to date with all customs and related requirements for electronic filing. Our service includes (but is not limited to):
Tracking Shipments
Electronic Entry Filing
Pre-Clearing Shipments before arrival in U.S.
Arranging Delivery and Coordinating Logistics as Required
Process Filing of other Required Government
Agencies such as FDA
We give seminars in your office with regard to various import matters, including basic introducutory instruction.
To insure a comprehensive service, we represent you at all meetings with U.S. Customs and Border Protection either on your behalf or accompanying you, as you deem appropriate.
It is our job to limit and protect your liabilities in the importing process. We accomplish this by keeping you in compliance with proper tariff classification, record keeping requirements and related agency requirements.
We work to find the best rates, routing and type of transportation to meet your needs. We maintain an international network of agents that allows us to assist you throughout the world for both imports and exports. Our network also includes domestic agents so that we can assist you in the various U.S. Ports as well.
Designed to give you a comprehensive service door to door we:
Arrange Transportation Requirements
Handle Export Packaging Needs
Prepare Documentation
Handle Bank Requirements such as Letters of Credit
Pick Up From Your Door and Deliver to Carrier
We give seminars in your office regarding export matters including letters of credit, export declarations, and other such document preparation requirements.
We are a logistics firm able to manage all your needs
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